
Capacity-Building for Inventory Reporting

The Information Matters project, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) has provided support to the Lebanese Ministry of Environment to develop standard procedures for improved preparation and communication of GHG inventories in National Communications and BURs. 

A series of trainings was conducted in February 2018 for several departments at the Ministries of Environment, Energy and Water and Agriculture for over 40 experts. The capacity-building aimed at strengthening Lebanon’s capacities in compiling and reporting their national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the purpose of international reporting under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), e.g. in the form of Biennial Update Reports (BURs). This will also allow Lebanon to prepare for the upcoming reporting/transparency requirements under the Paris Agreement that the country has signed in April 2016, which also require the regular reporting of a national GHG inventory. From a national perspective, the national GHG inventory is a key tool in tracking progress towards Lebanon’s NDC. 

The series of trainings intended to:

  • - Provide stakeholders with increased insight into GHG compilation requirements and processes to enable them to better support the GHG inventory compilation process
  • - Discuss approaches for sustainable stakeholder involvement in future GHG compilation cycles, e.g. data collection at the sectoral level, in practice agreeing a cooperation approach and next steps
  • - Discuss tools developed to support stakeholders with data collection, e.g. data collection templates developed under this activity
  • - Discuss options for MoU to underpin sustainable involvement of stakeholders in data collection processes