Climate change affects the tourism sector by inflicting damage on a wide range of environmental resources that are critical attractions for tourism.
Warming temperatures of 2°C along with reduced precipitation are expected to lead to a decrease in the intensity residence time and thickness cover of the
snow. This will greatly affect the skiing season which is the key attraction for tourism during winter. The expected loss of natural attractions and increase
in sea levels will inflict damage on the shore and sandy public beach and reduce ecotourism activities.
More details available in the Second National Communication report.
The direct and indirect effects of climate change on public health include the outbreak of infectious diseases from changing temperatures, increased morbidity
and mortality from heat and other extreme weather events, malnutrition from droughts and floods that affect agriculture and other water-borne and rodent-borne
diseases related to scarcity of clean water. Moreover, changing patterns in rainfall and temperature can cause the proliferation of vector-borne diseases such as
malaria and dengue fever.
More details available in the Second National Communication report.
The average time that dense snow remains on mountains before melting has decreased from 110 days in the 1980s to less than 90 days
in 2006. It is expected to decrease to 45 days with a warming of 2°C
The main impacts of climate change on coastal zones originate from the potential increase in seal level and sea surfaces temperature due to projected higher
temperatures. Sea level have been continuously increasing and is expected to increase in 30 years up to 30-60 cm. This will impact sandy beaches in the south,
and on the coastal natural reserves such as palm islands and the Tyre nature reserves. In addition, this will increase the risk of seawater intrusion into
aquifers causing salinization of the aquifers, coastal flooding and erosions and degradation of coastal ecosystems and natural reserves.
More details available in the Second National Communication report.
The impacts of climate change on infrastructure and human settlements are caused by changing patterns in precipitation, sea level rise and increased frequency
and intensity of storms. These impacts can cause inundation of coastal settlements and buildings, disruption of operation at the airport and damages in the
transport infrastructure, water and wastewater networks. They can also increase the risk of floods, mudslides and rockslides.
The related socio-economic impacts include a reduction of the quality of life due to financial losses in the infrastructure supporting the different economic
activities, and an increase in the cost of living in urban agglomerations.
More details available in the Second National Communication report.